November Cannabis Laws

This election, three more states, one district and even a Federal Territory have passed laws regarding the legalization of cannabis. This was a big year for cannabis legalization starting with New York. On the 14th of July Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the Compassion care Act into law. This decriminalized the …

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Medical Cannabis Legitimacy

In our last post, we mentioned a medicine called Marinol, which is synthetic THC in a pill. Many believe that Cannabis and the THC/CDB’s it contains cannot be medically helpful to anyone or anything, yet Marinol exists as a medicine for many as an over the counter prescription drug. Marinol …

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Gateway Theory and Cannabis

If you have ever sat through a middle school/high school drug seminar, the gateway theory was probably drilled into your head. The gateway drug theory suggests that the use of cannabis will cause a want or drive to do harder and stronger drugs. Whoever uses cannabis might enjoy it (or …

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